God’s Final Movement: A Deeper Look

Who will represent God in His final mission to shine the light of truth into the world? Who will take God’s three angels’ messages to the world? Throughout history God has always had a faithful minority to champion His cause, and He will have a faithful remnant to present His final message in the end of time.
Identification of God’s Remnant Movement
In Revelation 12, God’s remnant people at the end of time are clearly described. The history of the Christian church is portrayed as a woman, from the time of Jesus (the child in verse 5) to the end of the 1260 years. At that point, the scriptures say that the dragon “went to make war with the rest of her offspring (or “the remnant of her seed” in the KJV), who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17, NKJV).
After the termination of the 1260-year period in 1798, predicted seven times in Daniel and Revelation, Satan changes his focus. It is no longer on the woman (who is a symbol of God’s faithful people throughout the ages). It is on a particular group: the rest of her offspring, otherwise known “the remnant of her seed.”
Who Qualifies For Remnant Status?
To be a part of the remnant during the final atonement one must meet the following criterion:
1) Two prophecies predict the time of the end when one must live. One is the end of the falling away (as Satan’s lies become exposed) in the fulfillment of the 1260-year prophecy in 1798. The other is the beginning of the antitypical Day of Atonement the end of the 2300-year prophecy in 1844.
2) One who proclaims the truth about God’s character as revealed at the cross, bringing the world into an investigation—a judgement, or decision—about Him.
4) One who keeps the commandments of God, fulfilled by loving God and others (non-violence).
5) One who has the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12) and humbly trust in Him.
6) One who shows the world the testimony Jesus revealed about his Father (Revelation 19:10). They will prophesy of the truth Jesus revealed about his Father (Joel 2;28).
Where Is This Remnant?
No denomination can claim remnant status, because claiming the name of an organization can’t guarantee remnant characteristics. The same pew contains those who have remnant characteristics and those who don’t. The danger of any group or denomination claiming that they are the remnant is that it draws an arrogant line between “us” and “them” and builds walls instead of bridges. It also creates a false sense of security for those on the “inside.”
“Between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah will come the last great conflict of the controversy between truth and error. Upon this battle we are now entering, a battle not between rival churches contending for the supremacy, but between the religion of the Bible and the religions of fable and tradition.” – Ellen White, Prophets and Kings, 625 emphasis mine
“We are not saved as a sect; no denominational name has any virtue to bring us into favor with God. We are saved individually as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
– Ellen White, Review & Herald 02/10/1891
Truthfully, there are many from every church (and those that aren’t even part of a church) through whom the light of God’s final truth is streaming. God is an equal opportunity employer and will deliver His remnant message through any who are truly open to the Spirit of God.
The remnant is made up of people, not denominations. This is good thing because it plays to biblical, end-time, welcoming, reformational movement instead of cloistered, exclusive denominationalism. It cleaves us together with Christians who aren’t like us and motivates us to examine our beliefs and our lives, to follow the Spirit into all truth and love.
The identity of God’s final movement may not be easy for us to lay our finger on, but we can lift our voice and extend our example to be a part of it none-the-less.