The Solution to Our Differences on Women’s Ordination

Force Is Not the Answer
Even though a vote on a non-fundamental issue like this should not even be before the General Conference, I think it will help us to face our differences and live with them in peace. As Christians we should not force each other on issues like this. That is the outworking of a spirit of another type. God’s Spirit never coerces.
The truth is that we cannot define biblical ordination on a GC level. To do so is to push aside fundamental belief #1, which states that our doctrines are defined exclusively by the scriptures, not through a majority vote. So even if this was a fundamental issue, it should not be handled this way. Trying to solve sharply contended issues, upon which there cannot and will never be any consensus, with a majority vote will only create a crisis in the church.
The Bottom Line
It comes down to Ty Gibson’s statement in his article, A Closer Look at Women’s Ordination:
“Those who insist that Paul, in 1 Timothy 3, is setting down a timeless moral rule of male-only ordination are faced with a fact that should give them humble, respectful pause: there are numerous equally committed and conscientious Adventist scholars, pastors, leaders and laity that do not agree with their interpretation of the text. This reality, alone, is sufficient reason to refrain, in brotherly love, from making the women’s ordination a test question worth dividing the church over” (emphasis mine). (See also Lightbearers’ latest article on hermeneutics.)
Neither side of this issue is evil or in apostasy. We simply interpret it differently. And though some may say so, it is not a waste of time or a bad discussion to have. As David Asscherick says, “Don’t think of this situation as a ‘distraction,’ but as an opportunity to study, pray, and learn from others. Bible study is not a ‘distraction,’ plain and simple. It’s an essential part of being the remnant in the modern age. We are called to wrestle! Don’t whine about it. Accept it” (from David’s Facebook page).
If this was a fundamental issue, then it may be an issue to divide over. However, it is not. So we shouldn’t.
The answer for the Seventh Day Adventist church on this issue is close to home. If my dad and I wouldn’t force each other or divide (torch our relationship) over our differences of interpretation (even though we have studied both sides thoroughly and still disagree), then why should the church? The church should live the same way the family does!
Can I say something? I love how a family can disagree sharply and still love each other unconditionally with an everlasting love!